Under that you'll see 'choose an identity'. If you have a Google or Blogger account, select that and it should fill in your details. Open ID can be used if you have a Wordpress blog. If you don't have one of these accounts, or prefer not to link to them in your reply, or are having difficulty using them, then select either of the bottom two options.
With the name/URL one you can type in your name and I, or my guest, will know who to reply to. You can also add a link to your blog if you wish.
I also allow anonymous comments (this isn't an option with all blogs). If you wish to remain totally anonymous then obviously that's the one to go for. You could add a name or initials to your comment if you would like to make replies easier.
Once you've made a selection, you'll see the bit about proving you're not a robot. On my blogs (and most others) this has been disabled and you can safely ignore it.
Click 'Publish your comment'. Here the comment should appear very quickly. With some blogs you'll need to wait until it has been approved.
Comments can't be altered once you've made them, but you can remove your own and the owner of the blog can remove anyone's.
Hope that helps. Feel free to practise - you can try guessing why I picked the photo to go with this post, or just type 'test'.
Finally you're never obliged to leave comments on blogs, and I know sometimes there's not time, or the internet is being anoyingly slow, or we just don't have anything to add, or get distracted and move onto something else, but all bloggers and guest posters appreciate comments. It makes us feel it was worth writing the post and encourages us to keep blogging.
As you can see, I understood your instructions. Seriously though, several people have replied to my blog posts on FB as they say they have had trouble doing so on the blog so this is really helpful. Like you, I love it when people take the time to comment.. hint hint!
I often wish there was more time to leave comments on the many posts I enjoy reading, so this is probably a good opportunity to take a moment to say what a brilliant job you do and how much I love this lovely, helpful blog. Many thanks!
I can usually comment on the blogs - it is having the time that is the problem. Great job you are doing at the womag blog, Patsy. Thanks for keeping it going.
Fingers crossed this works
well I'm impressed that I managed to do it - found the problem - I had to change my password on my googlemail. Thanks Patsy
A very useful post, Patsy. Your instructions are really clear. As you say, it's good to get comments and know that people are reading the posts.
This is probably one for the Blogger engineers, but…
When the CAPTCHA is disabled, why on earth is it still displayed? That's very confusing and has almost prevented me from commenting in the past.
In general, I hate those things. They regularly defeat humans but let all but the dumbest of the robots through.
Another tip: if you know a little bit of markup, you can emphasize some of your text as well as making it bold.
@Niddy - yay, glad you got it sorted!
@Captain Black - I don't know why it still shows and agree it's very confusing. Those things are really off putting.
I don't know anything about markup. I can make things bold though, I think ...
@ Everyone - thanks for all the comments! I know it's not always possible/convenient to leave them, but it's nice to get them when you can.
Helpful overview - though I haven't had problems yet, I know many have!
Hi Patsy - I've 'heard' the problems .. but haven't experienced it myself.
I joined WPress and Typepad, and Disqus ... so I could comment - as I liked those bloggers - then I don't have to worry re commenting .. as I always can ...
I have a feeling that the captcha box does not appear on some blogs -don't ask me why ... when Blogger was messing us around in 2011 (my first A-Z) ... I gave up on blogger and just did what I had to do .. to get round the problem and ignore all else ... I continue to think that way ... things don't work the way we expect them too ... but can usually be made to ...
I forgot this was your new blog ... cheers Hilary
What wonderfully clear instructions, Patsy - D`you do Flat-Pack Furniture at all...
The great thing about all your blogs Patsy is that you always try to answer. I don't bother with those that don't.
@Dolores - I can only explain what's possible! I'm not sure those things are.
@Hilary, I forget myself sometimes and come over to see if there's anything new. (well, I did that once!)
@Rosemary and Maggie - thanks for your comments!
Thank you, and I'd also say I appreciated the accompanying photo! To me, it neatly illustrates a quote I once heard on the radio... 'those devious waterways, known as 'the usual channels!'
Penny Alexander
Interesting post, Patsy - thank you - and it was also interesting to read the comments. I fully empathise with those who say they like to receive comments on their blog – me too! It just validates everything, doesn’t it? :)
@Penny - That explanation fits. Waterways is certainly apt as the machinery is steamed powered and worked a foghorn.
@Susan - it does. We all want readers no matter what we're writing!
I admit I don't always comment on this blog (lack of time mostly), but be assured I do read every post!
I know the Captcha box - prove you're not a robot - does put people off. I disabled it on my blog but it still appears so I've added a note asking people to ignore it. Wish I could delete it properly though!
Thanks, Patsy. I know that people do have a problem leaving comments on my blog. I might just put a link to yours to help them out!
@Linda - it is a bit annoying we can't get rid of it completely.
@Jean - I hope it helps.
Hello Patsy,
I just discovered this website and it is the most valuable one for me.
So many websites list literary magazines but I only attempt to write stories that may be acceptable to women's magazines.
Until I found your excellent list I never had many magazine names from which to choose.
Now, thanks, to your detailed information I have several from which to choose.
Many thanks!
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