In my last post, I asked if anyone had suggestions for improving the blog. Thanks to everyone who commented. I'm really pleased that it seems to be working well as it is, so will continue with the regular posts on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, with an extra one if something crops up, I get a guest post, or it otherwise seems like a good idea.
Marguerite suggested sharing information about writing books we've found useful, or helpful websites and courses. I like that idea (and not just because she suggested my two writing books go on the list!)
If you know of a resource which you think readers of this blog will find useful, please say a little about it and add a link, in the comments. It's fine to mention your own books, blogs etc, but please make clear whether what you're mentioning is something you've created, or something you've used and benefitted from. And please give a little info, not just a link.
General comments, rather than specific recommendations about writing resources are also welcome.
I'll do my best to collate these into a new post or page with clickable links. Don't worry if you can't make the link you leave active in the comments – it is possible, but I don't know how.
I'll start off...
My own submissions database contains lots of information on submitting fiction to women's magazines, including their requirements and where to send you stories (and the rest of this blog is pretty terrific too!)
My book A Year Of Ideas contains writing prompts for short exercises as well as complete pieces of work. I know they work as I've used them all myself, and readers of the book have reported sales after using it.
The book From Story Idea To Reader, which I co-wrote with my friend Rosemary J Kind is an accessible guide to all aspects of a writer's life.
Both the above books are probably best suited to newer writers, or those returning to writing after a break. They're available as ebook, paperbacks and through kindle unlimited. There's also an audio version of From Story Idea to Reader (which you can currently get free if you start an Audible free trial)