Saturday, 30 March 2024

A quickie because...

My news

It's my birthday, the sun is shining and it's actually stopped raining, so I'm keeping this short and going out to do some gardening (right after I have another slice of cake!)

Later I'll be drinking tea, kept warm by the amazing tea cosy Sheila Crosby made for me. Isn't it great?

Free entry writing competition news

Thanks to Alan Barker for sending me the details of this monthly 50 word competition. The prizes are critiques from author and editor Morgen Bailey (who runs the competition.)

Wednesday, 20 March 2024


It was the vernal equinox yesterday - which gives me the perfect excuse to share some springtime photos. Not that I need an excuse...

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Alyson Faye for the link to Northern Life's short story competition. The prize is publication and a copy of the magazine.

And thanks to Alyson Hilbourne for this one - a travel writing competition with a £200 prize. Every time I post about a travel competition I feel I should enter - I probably will one day!

Thanks to Jane for the reminder about this poetry competition.

My news

The kindle versions of In The Garden Air, and Beyond The Garden Wall, both collections of 24 plant, flower and gardening related short stories, are currently free.

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Over to you

Do you have any writing news?

Do you know any market news? Have you heard about any free to enter writing competitions? Or come across calls for submissions or other opportunities?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome and appreciated. As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to answer my questions, or provide information for me to share with you.

Womag news

Alyson spotted this on Twitter (I refuse to use its stupid new name!) tweeted by The People's Friend '
Fiction Ed Lucy is looking for 3000 word contemporary stories set in early summer onwards!'
I'd send her something, but as she's not yet read the last 5 I submitted, I can't. I expect there are others in the same situation.

Saturday, 2 March 2024

More of the free things


Free entry writing competitions

The Black Orchid novella award offers $1,000 for a traditional mystery of 15,000 to 20,000 words.

The Wergle Flomp poetry competition offers a $2,000 prize.

The BBC short story competition requires a record of previous publication (exact requirements are specified) is open to UK nationals and residents only and offers a £15,000 prize.

Thanks to Fiona for the link to this poetry competition. She says 'looks like it will stretch my brain cells! Hopefully someone else who read the blog might enjoy it too.' The prize is a share of £1500

Womag news

The winners of The People's Friend short story bursary competition have been announced here.

Free reads

I'm taking part in (yet) another promotion which offers free reads to those who sign up to the author's newsletters. This one is for romance and cosy crime books. 

The way these things work is that each participating author shares them with anyone who might be interested and we all hopefully gain new readers. Writers are also readers, and some of you might like to learn about marketing strategies, so I thought it reasonable to include you in the 'might be interested' group.

My news

It looks as though we'll be able to get back to our travels again, reasonably soon. There are a few things to get sorted first - including me trying to get ahead with my writing so I'm free to explore, and take many, many, photos once we can get away.

UPDATE Please see HB's request for help in the first comment.