Saturday 21 September 2024

Over to you


Do you have any writing news?

Do you know any market news? Have you heard about any free to enter writing competitions? Or come across calls for submissions or other opportunities?

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you prefer word prompts, you may like to look at the Wednesday word of the week, on the blog on my website.

Free entry competition news

The Imison Award (£3,000) celebrates the best in new writing for the medium of audio drama. 

Free writing course

Thanks to Alyson for giving the link to this free course from The Writer's Bureau. Alyson said, '
I've no idea how good it is or whether it is trying to get you to buy a full Writers Bureau course.' I imagine they will suggest that – but that doesn't mean the free bit isn't worth a look. If you try it, let us know what you think.


Sharon at A Quick Read said...

The writer's bureau course sounds like it's aimed at complete beginners. That's great if you're just thinking about starting creative writing but I should imagine that most of us here are past the beginner stage. I reckon that most of us could teach it ourselves! Just a reminder that there's a fiction and puzzles extra in the My weekly Xmas special mag but the majority of the short stories in there are by novelists.

Sheelagh said...

No good news really other than a recent 'now with Lucy' for a TPF submission. Why do some stories get accepted immediately & others get a 'over to Lucy' response, does anyone know?