Saturday, 7 December 2024

More competitions, writing course and an cover reveal

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Suzan who supplied the link to this short story competition. You do need to register to enter, but there's no charge. The prize is £150 plus publication.

If you're a playwright in the Portsmouth / Southampton area Google Bench Theatre Supernova for an interesting opportunity.

Free writing courses / retreats

Thanks to Vivienne Moles for telling me about this free winter writing sanctuary . She says she's done the summer version and '
They are good for getting the creative juices flowing'. It sounds like a kind of virtual writing retreat. I've signed up for it myself.

Vivienne also sent the link to this Future Learn Introduction to writing fiction. This one seems more like a workshop, as it offers 'feedback from your peers'. It might be quite basic, but that doesn't mean we couldn't either pick up something new, or be reminded of things we've forgotten.

My news

Today is the last day to get this ebook for free.

The third book in my cosy crime series is now finished and the proof copy ordered – and I can reveal the cover. I'll be sending ARCs in a few weeks, if you'd like to join my review team please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Patsy and Vivienne.
I've signed up for the Winter Writing Sanctuary.
The cover looks great.

ados123 said...

Thank you, Patsy. I've signed up for the course too. Some encouragement would be good at the moment!
Good luck with the new book.

Fiona said...

Thanks Patsy, Suzan and Vivienne for the links and updates - all the best with the new book Patsy.

Maisie Bishop said...

I did the Future Learn course during lockdown. I enjoyed it and ended up writing a story that eventually appeared on the Secret Attic website. The feedback from peers was very varied. Some was helpful, some absolutely not!

Sheelagh said...

Thanks Patsy & all for all the opportunities posted here. I did a number of Future Learn courses and found them both indepth and interesting for free courses though I never did a writing one, I can imagine as Maisie said that peer feedback might be a bit subjective though it might help to thicken our writers skins and that can't be a bad thing.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Patsy and others for the links. Love the cover for your new novel.

Marguerite said...

Thank you for all the info. The cover is looking good: awaiting the novel... Thought I'd tell you I won the 'Best' comp. Hoping that runners up might be in this blog as well? I'll stop going on about always being the bridesmaid ;)

Patsy said...

@ HB - Thanks! Might see you on the course (not sure if it works like that)

@ Alyson - yes, I'm hoping it'll be good motivation.

@ Fiona - thank you.

@ Maisie - Giving helpful feedback is a skill in itself, I think.

@ Sheelagh - also a good reminder that different people react differently and have very different tastes. I've had feedback (not via Futurelearn) that my writing was like something you'd find in a women's mag. I was pleased, even though I don't think it was intended as a compliment.)

@ Elizabeth - The green wasn't my idea, and I could have said no, but now I've seen the finished thing I like it.

@ Marguerite - Wow! Congratulations!

Sheelagh said...

Marguerite, congratulations, that's brilliant news, I look forward to getting a copy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Marguerite
A win worth waiting for!

Marian said...

Thank you for all the information, Patsy. The writing sanctuary sounds very tempting - I’m off to sign up!
And very many congratulations, Marguerite! That’s brilliant!

Maisie Bishop said...

Congratulations, Marguerite!

Elizabeth said...

Many congratulations Marguerite, good to see a winner here!

Marguerite said...

Thank you for your kind words, Patsy, Sheelagh, HB, Marian, Maisie and Elizabeth. I have to say it's partly down to the encouraging words from the writing community on this blog and the sharing of good practice. 🙂

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I just bought 'Best' magasine. @ Marguerite, did you write 'The Christmas Breakfast'? A lovely story that made me chuckle. I also entered, but didn't place. When I enter a competition, I always think "this is it!" but then when I read the winning entries realise quickly why mine didn't win!
One of the loveliest most uplifting things I read, either on this blog, or in Patsy's guide, I forget, was that each time you don't win something, you have a consolation prize of a story you can then tweak and send somewhere else. I love that. So I will rework my Xmas non-winner for next year...

Marguerite said...

Yes, that was me :) Prompted by my cousin who did that (without the drama!) a few years ago ;) You are right, Anonymous, I have this ENORMOUS bank of stories from Writing Magazine! I do use them and some have been published online. I used to complain I never had that bank... so now I have :) Glad it made you smile :) Just keep going, is all I can say.

ados123 said...

Congratulations, Marguerite!

Marguerite said...

Thank you, Alyson :)

Sheelagh said...

Marguerite I'm still trying to hunt down a copy of Best magazine. Must be a sell out over here. Hopefully this weekend