Siobhan Kielty and I have been in communication about Seven Days magazine. She has asked me to pass on the latest information via this blog. Sadly she's confirmed that, "the publisher of SevenDays has decided not to continue with the magazine in its current format." However there is a small glimmer of hope as "In the new year, the magazine will be available digitally in the short term while its direction / closure is decided."
I asked that if there was anything we could do to help secure the magazine's future and Siobhan replied, "I’m doing everything I can to resurrect it in one for or another! I’m hopeful there will be a place for it somewhere. I’ll let you know if there’s any news."
In response to my earlier query about payments she said, "I escalated the request and cheques should have been sent out to all writers." She assures me that all writers whose stories have been published will be paid. She will personally check with the accounts manager on the 3rd that this is happening.
Any work which has not been published, whether accepted or not, won't now be used or "may be freely submitted elsewhere with all rights offered."
Siobhan added "Although I'm really disappointed that the magazine won't continue, it was outside of editorial control. It was well received but I suppose it's exceptionally tough out there at the moment. I for one was proud of SevenDays and loved the fiction. At least some people had a chance to get their work in print (and they WILL be paid!)
I’ll keep you posted on any lifelines for SevenDays. Thanks again; your fiction army made the magazine really good. I’ll be in touch on 3rd. All the best, happy new year."