Saturday 27 April 2024

Just the one today...

Last week I thought I was super organised, and ended up making two posts on the same day. No idea how I'll mess up this week, but it'll be in a different way!

You'll probably get all kinds of oddness from me from now until autumn (and I might not stop then!) as due to travelling I'll put things in posts and schedule them when I can, but they might get published before I've properly finished them off. Hopefully that'll be better than nothing.

It seems jolly cold for the time of year, so I'm sharing some summer sunshine.

Womag news

I was fortunate to have a story accepted by The People's Friend this week, and asked 
what season they're currently scheduling for. I was told that late summer and early autumn are still OK.

Publication opportunity

Thanks to Lindsay for this – "If you fancy a flash fiction challenge, Paragraph Planet publishes one 75-word story every day on the website. There's no payment but it can be a good way to kickstart your creativity. Each story must be exactly 75 words, including the title, and formatted as one paragraph. Submission information is on the website"

Next week, I'll have a fun, exclusive competition to win a book cover design, for a book you've finished and are waiting to publish, your current WIP, or one that's just a figment of your imagination.

Saturday 20 April 2024

Publication opportunities and more

 Free entry competitions

Thanks to Marguerite for both of these - " 1000-5000 words on the Summer Olympics until 21st June, Amazon gift cards as prizes.

Also, Secret Attic has relaunched, currently with monthly short and flash fiction categories by the end of each month for cash prizes, and a weekly one, no prize, but publication for winners.
Details change for the weekly one and a specific prompt given."

And here's an update from Sharon Boothroyd "Secret Attic have now changed the story length for their ongoing fiction competitions, and they are now free to enter.
They haven't got many entries for their 100 word story comp. The prize is a writing related book. The closing date is the last day day of April."

Thanks both of you!

A not free competition

I very rarely post about competitions with entry fees, but I'm making an exception for this one from Radio Victory. They're looking for stories of 600 words inspired by a song title from the 50s or 00s. The entry window is the whole of May. Prizes include having the winning stories broadcast, a book bundle, and a voucher. I'm making the exception because I'm involved with the Portsmouth Author's Collective which is supporting the competition - and because I'm going to be interviewed on the radio!

Calls for submissions

Dimensionfold are looking for speculative poetry (science fiction, fantasy or horror) to go in an anthology. There's no payment, but successful poets will get a pdf copy and the opportunity to buy copies at a discount. 

My news

We'll be off on our travels fairly soon (brace yourself for a LOT of photos!) I'm trying to get as much done as possible before I go. For that reason, I've put two of my books on pre order. There's this collection of crime short stories, and this cosy mystery novel.

I'm unclear about the benefits or otherwise of pre-orders, other than there being less to do just prior to launch. I'll let you know if I gain any useful insights.

Over to you


Do you have any writing news?

Do you know any market news? Have you heard about any free to enter writing competitions? Or come across calls for submissions or other opportunities?

Are you researching, writing, subbing? Had any acceptances or rejections? Still waiting to hear back on outstanding submissions? Do you have a question? Can you offer tips or encouragement to other writers?

Any other writing related news, questions and comments are also welcome and appreciated. As well as allowing us all to share information, help and encourage each other, comments show editors, competition organisers and others that the blog is read and will therefore be more likely to answer my questions, or provide information for me to share with you.

Feel free to use these photos as picture prompts. If you'd like written writing prompts, short exercises and story/scene suggestions then you might find this book useful.

Don't forget to check the submissions database for details of which magazines publish fiction under what terms, and how to submit.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Free entry competitions and other stuff

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Carol Bevitt for the link to this short story competition which is 'open to all adults'. Carol says 'it's public voting, but the prize is good and there's no entry fee. Plus they've dealt with the AI issue in their T&C's. And have two categories to distinguish between the previously published, and the new writer.'

Here's a micro fiction competition. They define that as '1500 characters (not words)'. All entries must relate to Africa in some way, but it looks as though almost anyone can enter. (The rules are complicated eg you can't take part if you have -  A blood relationship within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity within the second degree of consanguinity with any individual who provides services in the Consortium or with any of the members of the Jury that is constituted for the competition.) You'll be required to prove who you are in order to enter, eg with your passport.  

I know some of you will be thinking it's too much faff. Fair enough. However, that might reduce the number of entries, giving you a better chance of winning the
750 first prize.

For this competition from the British Czech and Slovak Association you may write fact or fiction. There's a suggested, but not compulsory them and the prize is £400.

As with all competitions I feature on this blog, the above are free to enter. I do my best to warn people of potential issues (such as rights grabs) but it's your responsibility to check the rules, decide if you can comply with them, and wish to enter. I simply don't have the time to thoroughly investigate them all, and the companies behind them, nor to give detailed breakdowns of the rules - plus there's the risk I may misunderstand something and therefore mislead you.

Womag news

There are a few details of the story lengths and themes currently wanted for The People's Friend here.

My news

The garden is looking nice!

Both my cosy crime novels, Acting Like A Killer and Disguised Murder and Community Spirit in Little Mallow will be reduced to 99p or 99c this week (depending on when you see this, the offer has either just started, or will in a few hours ... or you'll have missed it!

I also have a new collection out. As you may have guessed from the title and cover the 24 stories in A Clean Bill Of Health all have a medical/wellbeing theme.

I'm still experimenting with book marketing and am taking part in these three promotions - April Cozy Mysteries Sales Event, Sweet April Stories and Mayhem & Motives.