Saturday 12 October 2013

Short Stories and How to Write Them

I'm delighted to announce publication of my second How To book - Short Stories and How to Write Them. Now available from Amazon as a Kindle ebook, priced just £1.53!

It contains fourteen of my short stories, all previously published in the womags. After each story is a discussion section covering topics like dialogue, story structure, point of view, making time to write, and many more. So it's in the same format as my previous book, Ghost Stories and How to Write Them and I hope will be as well received as that one was.

Please take a look, buy it if you like what you see, and if you enjoy it, please leave a review and tell others!

If you don't have a Kindle but would like to read it, go here to download a free Kindle reading app for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android device, laptop or PC.

Also available from


Rena George said...

This sounds like a great format, Kath. I'm off to have a look. Rx

parlance said...

Hi, Kath
It won't let me buy it because I'm not in the UK. Is there a solution to this issue?

Kath McGurl said...

Hi Parlance - click on the link at the end of the post to buy it from the .com site instead of the site. Hope this works!

Sally Zigmond said...

I've just downloaded it and look forward very much to reading it. I love reading a story followed by an analysis. It's often difficult to find out exactly what editors are looking for and this will help give me a better insight. Unless I hate it (highly unlikely!) I will write about it.

Kath McGurl said...

Thank you, Sally!

Anonymous said...

What's that strange machine on the front cover?

Seriously, though, it looks like a useful aid to genre writers.

parlance said...

Oh, thanks. I didn't notice the link at the bottom to I have it now!


Kath McGurl said...

I thought of you when writing this post! Thanks for buying and I hope you enjoy it.

Unknown said...

It sounds a very useful and sensibly priced book. I can't write for women's mags because I can't do 'uplifting'

None of my stories are, even when they're light-hearted I manage to put the boot in somehow.

Vikki T said...

Congratulations honey! :)

I will DEFINITELY be buying!
