Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society is a not-for-profit
membership organisation, run by writers, for writers.’
of The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) is a
pain-free method of boosting your writing income, by benefitting from
payment of ‘secondary royalties’.
find a step by step process to follow on the website to join, and
while you need to send the application by post, that’s it. A
membership pack arrives through your letterbox and from then on you
can manage everything online by logging into the members section. You
can currently add details of your work published in the UK going back to
January 2012. (There are a few exceptions of course, but you’ll
find details of what doesn’t qualify on the website.)
is a cost, a one-off £36 fee - which will be taken out of your first
payment. But if you are a member of any of their listed writers’
organisations then the joining fee doesn’t apply, so make sure you
mention it on your application.
receive the monthly e-newsletter ALCS News that has helpful and
interesting articles, and news of important issues to all writers
from the ALCS’s lobbying and support of writers’ interests.
ACLS website has plenty of links for further information, and if
you’re uncertain of anything you can ring them, they are very
tip for making the process as easy as it can be: don’t rush
completing your application form, and if at all possible do it on a
week day, so you can ring for clarification if you have a query.
membership is worth the time.
I fully agree - and would add that it is worth joining ALCS as soon as you sell your first story or article.
Agree completely, Kath.
Even poems and/or short fiction in anthologies and collections, in print form, with a UK publisher can qualify.
When I first read about ALCS I thought it wouldn't be for a small-time writer like me but it is. Last years payment equalled the value of a good few story sales, so yes, Carol, I certainly agree. Thanks carol and patsy for hosting. Good wishes KH
Thanks for confirming that, KH.
I hope that by highlighting how straight-forward the process is, some of those writers, who only have a few pieces, might check and then sign up.
ALCS has been a great little annual bonus ever since I was getting short stories and articles published. I didn't know about it at first, however, until I joined the Society of Authors many years ago - membership of ALCS is then free.
Yes it is a lovely annual bonus, Rosemary.
I noticed recently that the number of organisations which will enable the free membership of the ALCS, if you are a member of them, has increased since I signed up.
Thanks, Carol. I think it was you who put me onto ALCS (via Talkabck) At the time I signed up I did it for the future sales I hoped to get rather than because I thought it would be immediately worthwhile - but I was wrong. The first payment was as much as an extra sale to the highest paying market!
So pleased it was useful, Patsy.
Writers deserve every penny they can get from their work- especially now when so many contracts are asking for more rights but not paying extra.
Word of mouth recommendation to sign up is important.
I've just filled out the form and it's now in the envelope waiting to be dropped in the box. Not sure if it'll apply to me for the stuff I've already written as I think the majority of articles I did was prior to 2012, but hopefully it will benefit me in the future if I get anything else published. Thanks, Carol!
Well done on getting your application done, Maxi. Don't forget to check the dates on your articles in case a few are still within date.
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