I was wondering who I could
pick on select to interview next and I decided on that Patsy Collins woman. The only trouble is she refuses to talk to me. She thinks you'll all think she's even odder than she really is if she does.
So can you think up some questions for her? I'll pick out the ones
I like and are easiest to answer I think will be most informative. Feel free to include one something like 'do you have a lovely new book featuring a hunky fireman coming out anytime soon and if so where can I get it?'
I have a good question. 'Do you have a lovely new book featuring a hunky fireman coming out anytime soon and if so where can I get it?'
What's your secret to getting your short stories published so frequently? Congratulations, by the way!
Oooh if you have a lovely new book featuring a hunky fireman coming out anytime soon that would be just great. Heard rumours - is it true? Love your stories
Are you a disciplined writer in that you have a strict routine? xx
What started you writing short stories for womags? Which magazine was your first one in? Do you reward yourself with each success? Do you buy the magazines you write for?
Hello Patsy! Are you an Owl or a Lark? Which is your best time for writing? (About hunky firemen etc.)
Thanks - great questions! Keep them coming.
Which women's magazines have you written for? Is there one you find 'easier' or one that you have more success with on a regular basis?
I get most of my ideas for stories, short and longer, when I'm weeding the garden - and the weeds keep on sprouting! What inspires your ideas? And I'd love to know what research you carried out for your hunky fireman story :)
What is your most favourite thing you have won with your writing, and which story/ book makes you the proudest up to now?
If it came to a choice between heroes, hunky fireman or hunky farmer or Gardener? :D
New book sounds fab, and I'd like to know... of all the short stories you've written, do you have a favourite? If so, why?
Do you start with a plot or with the characters?
PS Do you have a lovely new book featuring a naked Carol Vorderman coming out soon?
How many stories do you submit each month? How many stories do you submit to each editor each month? How many magazines do you write for? Do you find some months are generally better than others in terms of sales?
I love your blog! These are great inspiration photos. We have very similar taste.
Thanks, everyone. Good questions. I'll work on the ansewers.
@Phil - I rather suspect we don't.
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