Tuesday 11 April 2017

Plots, plans and pals

There haven't been many posts lately, but I have managed to come up with an excuse perfectly valid reasons for this. Firstly there doesn't seem to be a great deal of womag news about (if you have any to share, particularly good news, please get in touch).

Secondly I've been out in the campervan (aka mobile writing retreat) meeting writing friends and making plans. At the end of March I met up with Anne Rainbow (we're considering running a residential writing course next spring).

Then more recently pocket novelist Susan Jane Jones popped into the van for a quick cuppa and long(ish) chat about (amongst other things) our current novels in progress.

On the same trip I visited Alfie Dog editor (and co-author of From Story Idea to ReaderRosemary J Kind. We have an idea for another writing book - if we can fit it in around our other projects.

Then it was off to Nottingham where I met up with Keith Havers, Linda Sprott, Maria Smith and Carol Bevitt.

It was a gloriously sunny day and we'd been on a walk around the lakes, so we really did need to sit in the shade and eat ice creams, even though we'd started off in the cafe. (If you want to see the 'informal' group photo, take part in tomorrow's #writingchat.)

Is that too much name dropping for one post?Not quite I don't think ...

My last meeting was with People's Friend author Enid Reece. Niddy and I have known each other online since we both started writing but this is the first time we've met for real.

We chatted over a cup of tea and hardly any cake, before going for a walk.

It was lovely to meet up with so many writing friends and I'm now full of enthusiasm for my current, and future, writing projects. Thank you all for your company and inspiration.


Rosemary Gemmell said...

Such a great idea meeting up with writing friends, Patsy - I can imagine the inspiration flying about!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tea, cake and chat, Patsy. Now all we have to do it get on with the writing. So why am I still here and not going on with perfecting page one? At least I know where it needs changing. Thanks for all your support with my writing as well.

ados123 said...

Ooh, a residential writing retreat sounds interesting! I hope you can organise (with lots of tea and cake of course...)

Jan Baynham said...

Lovely to see photos of you and the writing friends you met up with, Patsy. :-)

Anne Rainbow said...

What a lovely trip - and such a lot of cake!