We've just been on holiday (no, not another one – the trip to Scotland was a working trip ... mostly). Whilst in Greece I spotted a newsagent stand with British mags on it and couldn't resist flicking through to see if I was in any of them and was surprised to see I was (although not as amazed as I appear in the photo). The magazines must take a while to reach Greece.
Have you ever seen UK magazines while abroad?
Or looked at the magazines published in the countries you've visited?

For those wondering, the story was in Woman's Weekly (submitted and accepted under the old terms) and appeared in the UK a couple of weeks ago.
Glad you found yourself in Greece, so to speak!
I bought the occasional Spanish magazine while living in Tenerife - but they were the cooking and crafts kind.
Lovely photos, Patsy, and what a thrill to see your story appear in a magazine abroad :)
@ Liz – I find it slightly odd that the UK has such a big range of women's mags (with and without fiction) when the rest of the world doesn't.
@ Carrie – It was a nice surprise.
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