Please share success (or otherwise!) report any womag news, tips, advice you may have, make womag related comments or observations and ask questions – and answer them too if you can help.
(If you have news or a question relating to a particular magazine, it's also fine to add it as a comment to the latest post for that magazine.)
Ooh, that's an interesting picture that makes me think about murder! Maybe I play too much Cluedo with the boys!
Not much to report as things been a bit slow going of late. Maybe that is to do with the weather as it can make us feel a bit more drowsy and less motivated. Got stories out there and just waiting to hear.
Hmm nice picture! Thanks, Patsy. Made me think of Old Father Time... or alternatively, that Poldark scene that as far as I know never quite happened in the wonderful books :-)
My story 'The Singing Sea' is in PF Special at the end of this month. Also with a Cornish setting - I enjoy being beside the seaside!
Inspiring picture, Patsy! I've used it the jumping off point for some flash fiction over at my blog, Word Shamble
I had a serial published in PF last month (The Secret of Kingsbarrow Folly) they've bought the first part of another serial - hopefully I'll hear about that soon, though as it's set in the winter, they might wait till the weather changes to publish. And I've subbed another idea to one of the editors with some positive feedback.
PF has been great to me (that last serial was the fourth story or serial of mine they've published in the last 18 months) but the options for expanding my womag writing in the UK look pretty limited - so many mags not accepting unknown writers.
Better keep plugging away on that novel ... All the best :)
Weather/seasons definitely affect my writing. In the summer, I'm much more likely to spend the time when I'm not doing my day job either gardening or playing tennis. In the winter I'm more inclined to stay indoors and write. I gather ideas in the summer, so that I can write cheering summer stories during the winter.
This isn't about the weather, but I've had confirmation from Prima magazine about their ongoing short story competition.
They require 800 words, and if your story is selected, the winner is awarded £100 prize.
They take the rights to the selected/published story only.
@ Carrie – I've been experiencing a little of the drowsy and less motivated feeling on hot days.
@ Penny – congratilatios on the PF story.
@ Lynne – Yay! So pleased my photo sparked a story. I'll pop over and have a read.
@ New girl – I'm the same, except for the tennis.
@ Sharon – Thanks for the info. The way things were worded before was a bit vague, so it's good to have confirmation.
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