Wednesday 10 November 2021

Couple of things ...

Free entry competition news

Thanks to Alyson for sending me the link to this competition. If you can write up to 500 words about why you love London, you could win up to £500.

My news

Together with my friend Rosemary J Kind, I'll be taking part in a Zoom chat /; book launch.  Rosemary will be talking about her historical novel, Vi for Victory and I'll be discussing my romantic murder mystery, Acting Like A Killer.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's very cool!

goinghome said...

Thanks as always for competition news. Enjoy the lovely interview!

Sheelagh said...

Good luck with launch/chat Patsy and thank you for all the information re competitions, its so long since I was in London that I actually can't remember what it was I loved about it!

Patsy said...

@ Alex – thank you.

@ Goinghome – As I'm going home myself, hopefully I'll be able to find more competitions soon.

@ Sheelagh – It's years since I've been myself.

Nas said...

Thanks for the news and its so awesome for you!

Marguerite said...

Good luck with the launch, bith of you :)
London, ah, yes... glad I was born and brought up there but pleased I'm not there now :)

Marian said...

Wishing you good luck for the launch and thank you for passing on more competition news.

Patsy said...

@ Nas – Thank you.

@ Marguerite – I wouldn't want to live there (or in any city) but there are lots of things worth visiting for.

@ Marian – Thank you.