Saturday, 18 January 2025

Over to you

Please share writing related news – successes and failures, details of free entry writing competitions, updates about the womags you submit to, any other publication opportunities, and raise any queries you may have. All these things will help* other readers of the blog, and help me** to keep it going!

* It can be very reassuring to know we're not the only person who gets rejections, finds something confusing, or has doubts. It's also very encouraging when people we've heard of and know are real people, something like us, win competitions or get published.

** It takes time to find new free competitions every single week and it's very difficult to keep track of markets I don't submit to. Your support through sharing information, and leaving comments, makes a big difference. (Never worry you're telling me something I know – reminders are welcome!)

Publication opportunities

Thanks to Marguerite for telling us about this competition from Dusty Attic. They're looking for previously unpublished short stories and poems which are spooky, fantastical, or both. They pay $10.

If you'd like to read some (slightly) spooky stories as inspiration, I have lots here!

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