Sunday 2 August 2015

Got a question

People sometimes ask questions on old posts relating to their query. That's not a problem for me and I'll help if I can - but there might well be other readers of this blog in a much better position to answer and such questions aren't likely to be seen by them.

Therefore I've set up a new page "Any Questions?". If you have a question (preferably womag related !) or a comment or suggestion about the blog then that'd be a good place to stick it. Please also have a look there now and again in case someone has asked something you might be interested in, or to which you might know the answer.

Here's me hard at work in the office, just waiting to hear from you!


Fay Knowles said...

Great idea! Thanks, Patsy.

Dolores Doolittle said...

You think of Everything, Patsy - thank you for yet another source of info.

Bea Charles said...

Excellent idea. I shall keep an eye out, though I shall probably be asking more than I'm answering!

Anonymous said...

Great plan, but it's going to become difficult to search for questions and answers in the comments on the page.

It might be an idea to periodically summarise them in an FAQ section in the page's body text.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

What a good idea - will try and remember to check every now and then!

Patsy said...

@ Fay - thanks.

@ Dolores - you'd be amazed at the things I never think of, Dolores!

@ Beatrice - I might well ask some myself.

@ Captain Black - that's one of the things I didn't think of. It's a good idea.

@ Rosemary. Thanks.

Wendy's Writing said...

that's an excellent idea, Patsy - I'll help out if I can.

Kitty said...

That's a great idea, Patsy.

Carolb said...

A very good idea, Patsy.

Patsy said...

@ Wendy, Carol and Kitty - thanks. I hope it proves useful.

Jan Baynham said...

That will be very helpful, Patsy. Thank you.

Linda D said...

Love the view from your office window. It's a tough life ...

Patsy said...

@ Jan - I'm hoping so.

@ Linda, I know, I know - but somehow I cope.