Tuesday 24 November 2015

Now is a good time ...

... to drop 'subtle' hints about what we'd like for Christmas. How about a womag subscription? They're non fattening, help with market research, support the publications we'd like to write for - and provide great fiction to read.

Here are a few links, just to make it really easy for your loved ones.

Fiction Feast    Woman's Weekly   

Woman's Weekly Fiction Special

My Weekly   Ireland's Own   The People's Friend 

The Weekly News  Yours

Of course books make great gifts too. ;-)


Julie Day said...

I have recently bought a subscription to TWN as I can't find it anywhere locally where I live. I do want to write for them, and have a couple of stories already out there with them, and more in the pipeline to either edit or write.

Anonymous said...

That's a good idea.

Bea Charles said...

Thanks for gathering so many links together, Patsy. I wish I could afford them all, and yet just one sale to each would more than pay its way. Hmmmh, must think this through.

Patsy said...

@ Julie - There don't seem to be many places which stock it and when they do it sells out quickly (you'd think they'd get more copies, wouldn't you?) Good luck with the subs.

@ Suzy - all my ideas are good - except for the rubbsh ones.

@ Beatrice - They're tax deductible, if that helps at all.

Dolores Doolittle said...

Thanks Patsy - great idea - shall glue list unobtrusively to forehead or a while...

Carolb said...

Good idea, Patsy. Especially if you're a writer who has difficulty getting a copy of your favourite magazine.

Julie Day said...

Received my first sub copy of TWN today. Looking forward to reading it, esp the short stories. Linda Lewis has one of the stories in it this week.

Maria said...

Does anyone take a subscription to any of these magazines electronically? If so what's the verdict, easy to navigate? Readability on a tablet? Are they the full version?

I'd appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

Al Watt said...

Hi Patsy, Hope you're well.I’ve had word back from Katharine Wootton Deputy News Editor of Yours magazine about writers contracts and she says, ‘within Bauer there are a few different policies so always best to check directly with the magazine you’re wanting to submit to. But the limited licence does apply to both Yours and Yours Fiction.’
I also told her that when I goggled Yours and Yours Fiction Special submissions that I could only find sites offering Full Rights and she says, ‘thanks for making me aware of those I wasn’t aware they existed so I’ll make sure they are amended.’
When I asked about limited licence agreement she said, ‘this basically means we have permission to use the work as we see fit within Bauer (our overarching media company) and can make reasonable changes to the work. However, unlike an all rights agreement we do not own copyright to the work meaning you would be free to offer the work to other publications in the future.’
Take care of yourself,
Al Watt.