TWN is open to submissions of 1,200 to 1,500 word stories, from all writers, whether or not they've sold stories previously. They usually publish two each week, but ocassionally use a few more. The publication is actually a newspaper, not a womag, which is important in several ways – the stories aren't always aimed at women and don't always feel typically womaggy, no ALCS is paid on published stories, and you'll need to look for it amongst the papers in most newsagents.
If you click on 'The Weekly News' immediately below this post, you'll find lots more information on TWN and the type of stories they're looking for, but I also strongly suggest reading a few current issues. You may need to ask your newsagent to reserve copies for you (a good thing to do as anything which prompts more sales is in the best interests of all womag writers).
Submissions are not acknowledged (a shame as at one time an automated response was sent after each submission – I do wish that would be reinstated). There isn't a dedicated fiction editor for TWN; submissions read by the fiction team for The People's Friend (PF). For more detail on this, see the response by Shirley Blair (head of PF fiction team) to this post.
If no response is recieved within three months, the story has not been accepted and you're free to submit it elsewhere.
Occasionally a rewrite will be requested. In this case, you'll be told which changes are wanted and it's your choice whether you make them or withdraw the story. There's no guarantee the rewrite will be accepted, but there's a good chance of that happening.
If/when the story is accepted, you'll be emailed with that information, plus the intended publication date. If you've not previously signed a contract with DC Thomson then you'll be requested to do so. (As with every contract, please do read it and be sure you understand and agree before signing!). You'll also need to provide your bank details (nothing confidential – just what they need to make payment).
No complimentary copies are sent (very few publishers now have the resources to do this).
Payment is made soon after publication. You'll be emailed a 'self billed PO' and a 'remittance advice' with the details shortly before the money arives in your bank account. (I don't post payment rates for any markets on this blog unless the publishers make them public knowledge as in some cases rates vary and/or our contracts prohibit this.)
Whilst searching for information online, I came across this history of The weekly News, which you might find interesting.
Well done on your sale Patsy and for the updated info on TWN. Much appreciated.
Thank you for all this info! I had just one story in WN (long ago!) - a detective type tale that PF weren't interested in at that time. Everyone was very friendly!
Will be looking out for your story.
Well done on your story, Patsy. I look forward to reading it later this evening. You share this week's 'billings' in TWN with Pam Wray, a first-timer with TWN (although she has had stories published in People's Friend, so it's not her first womag success). Pam comes to the writers' group that I run for Sunny Side Up in Stratford on Avon. It's a social/activity group for anyone over 55. More writers and wannabee writers always welcome!
Congratulations, Patsy. As Helen says, I share this week's billing in TWN with you (first time for me too) and I'm chuffed to bits - let's hope it happens again!
Pamela Wray
Well done Patsy, it's always a thrill when we get accepted. I remember my first acceptance where I did a happy dance around the room! Thanks for update on TWN too.
Congratulations on your PF success, Patsy. I had my first success with TWN earlier this month!
Thanks, everyone!
@ Pamela and Alyson – Congratulations! A sale to a new (to us) market is always exciting.
Well done, Patsy.
Thanks, Keith.
Well done on both TPF and TWN, Patsy. Never been lucky with TWN although must admit I don't sub to the very often. Surprised they pay just after publication when TPF pay o acceptance.
Helen -I live quite near Stratford will have to look into your writers group.
It surprises me how much the different magazines vary in their processes and terms, Niddy – you'd imagine it would all be fairly standard, wouldn't you, especially within the same company.
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