In case you didn't know ... I run
another writing related blog. On there, I regularly post details of free to enter writing competitions (short stories, poetry, novels, non-fiction, plays etc), many of which have reasonable cash prizes, and links to publication opportunities in non womag markets.

There's also a monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group post, Wednesday word of the week – and as many of my garden and travel pictures as I think I can get away with.
Do you just write for womags, or are you interested in other genres and formats too?
I was writing fantasy and horror before I got involved in womag fiction. I enjoyed writing the historical stories, and the research I had to do, so now my womag writing has definitely inspired the other genres I write -- I now write historical sci-fi and historical supernatural, particularly in the Victorian and Tudor periods.
It's always great to know of writing competitions so thanks for keeping us informed, Patsy. Cool pics too!
Thanks for this link, I will check out the other site. I have only just started to write womag fiction, but usually tend to write darker short stories, poetry and flash fiction.
I've been noticeably unsuccessful with womag stories since I started writing a couple of years ago, but I have made third prize in Scribble Magazine's article competition (2016) and third again in last winter's First Line Short Story Competition (my story was published in the recent Spring edition). Last year I was longlisted in the National Literacy Trust contest for re-imagined fairy tales... so perhaps womag stories aren't my forte.
Even the rejections have been kind though, and built my confidence to the point I'm biting the bullet (pardon cliche) and starting a blog - to be updated as soon as we're home from this weekend in soggy Bath (in a motorhome with two damp dogs).
Since I've been following this blog, the opportunities for first-timers has reduced considerably. Thanks, Patsy for the timely information on changes - it's been invaluable.
I'll check out your other site now.
@ Kitty – that's quite a mix of genres, but given the difficulty of getting into any one market it makes sense to try different avenues.
@ Carrie – I hope the information is useful.
@ Alexis – there are frequently competitions for all of those.
@ Cathy – I think we need to try different things before we know what we want to write, and what we're best at. I hope you're enjoying your trip, despite the sogginess.
I follow both of your blogs, Patsy, and don't know how you find the time in your busy writing schedule to keep them so active! THANK YOU!
You asked if we just write for womags. I write short stories whenever I can to submit to womags and I've had several published, but I have a "day job" (my son's business, so my hours are flexible, fortunately). I also write a bi-weekly article of about 750 words for the "Woman in Action" column in a local tabloid. That takes up quite a bit of time, because sometimes I have a lot of back and forth with the woman featured before the final draft of the article is approved. I'm also working on a writer's guide. Another novel and another book of short stories is in the works as well. Fiction is my main passion.
You probably know already, Patsy, that I write just about anything apart from dram (so far)!
In my heart I'm a crime writer...
What I've actually been writing apart from womag stories are romances.
But I'll have a go at short stories outside womags and have just done an anthology entry about vampires and am about to enter one of the competitions you flagged up on the above blog. I think that blog is a great idea by the way
@ Fay – I'm not sure how I find the time ether! You're clearly very busy yourself, so I appreciate yo, and everyone else who takes the trouble, leaving a comment.
@ Roemary – yes, I know and I'm impressed!
@ Buble, it's great that you've found something useful in the blog.
Hi Patsy,
The photo of the wall in this post, is it the wall in Lugo, Galicia, Spain? I ask this, because I see that the link in this site to your other site, goes to your request for prose about Galicia.
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