Wednesday 3 February 2021

February is for friendships

It's time for another Insecure Writers Support Group post! This month I'm one of the co-hosts, along with Louise - Fundy Blue, Jennifer Lane, Mary Aalgaard, and Nancy Gideon.

If you're a writer who is ever insecure in any way, you might like to join the IWSG. There's the monthly blog hop, Facebook group, help, support, resources, website... All kinds of stuff. You can get involved with it all, or just the elements which most appeal.

This month's optional blog hop question is – Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere? 

My answer is – YES! 

I've been fortunate enough to meet some of them in person (cake has usually been involved!). I hope to meet more once travelling and meeting people becomes safe again, but there are those I consider friends despite the fact we may never meet face to face.

It's not just through blogging I've made friends, but through other writing related activities such as forums, workshops, conferences, groups and social media. On the whole writers are interesting, friendly and very generous. We tend to help and support each other. We take time out from our writing to encourage others with theirs. 

Do you have blogging friends, or writing friends you've met in other ways?

One writing friend I first met virtually is Rosemary J. Kind. We get on so well that we've written a book together. From Story Idea to Reader is an accessible guide to writing fiction, available in ebook, paperback and audio versions. The ebook is currently reduced to  £1.99 / $1.99

Free entry writing competition news

Here's a romance writing competition with a small cash prize.

This competition is for 'book-length essays of at least 25,000 words by writers resident in the UK and Ireland who have not yet secured a publishing deal'. The prize is publication and a £3,000 advance.

For this competition there's a £10,000 prize for 'the best piece of writing on the theme of the Alpine Fellowship 2021 - Untamed: On Wilderness and Civilization'.

Womag news

The People's Friend will be doing a Facebook live event about their pocket novels at 11am this Friday. This is for readers and writers. 

Thanks to Jackie Sayle for letting me know that Woman's Weekly have introduced a new monthly fiction magazine. Don't get too excited as it seems to be entirely made up of reprints!

If one of your stories is used in the magazine you can still claim for ALCS payments for stories sold under the old 'first rights with extensions' contracts. If you've given up all rights, you may still be able to do that, but will need the permission of the rights holder.

Other news

I've set up a new  Womagwriter Twitter account. You can follow it here. I'll be using it to share writing related news and help to promote other writers, so will follow back and retweet those who engage with me. (My personal account is here.)


Pat Garcia said...


I too have met some marvelous friends in the writing world who have been so helpful and are there for me when I need them. It is a wonderful feeling for me.

Thank you also for co-hosting.

All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Steph W. said...

The IWSG has been so valuable to me. When our planet is open again, I would love to meet more in person. Even an introvert is becoming curious of others at this point! Thank you for co-hosting!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Writer friends are some of the best. May you meet more in person.
Thanks for co-hosting today.

ados123 said...

Writers are brilliant friendly, sharing bunch! Let me know if/when you get to Cumbria, Patsy.
Thanks for the competitions. I might have a go at the Erewash one.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I agree. Blogging has created many friendships. Thanks for co-hosting this month!
Mary at Play off the Page

Rachna Chhabria said...

I agree that February is indeed for friendships! I too met you in blogosphere :)

Gwen Gardner said...

Happy Friendship month! Writers are indeed a brilliant bunch ;) Thanks for co-hosting this month!

Bish Denham said...

I'm so grateful to this writing community, even though at present I feel totally unworthy. Thank you for hosting IWSG!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Thanks for co-hosting. I agree, blogging has made the world smaller and friendier. Happy IWSG Day.

Nancy Gideon said...

Thanks for being a fellow co-hostess this month! Other than IWSG, I give a shout out to Romance Writers of America through which I met my first in-person live authors when invited to speak to the Mid-Michigan chapter 30 years ago!! They were where I met my wonderful critique group pals who've been going strong for at least 27 years as well as the great encouragers here!!

Computer Tutor said...

I share your experience with the blogosphere. What a great place to hang out.

Sadira Stone said...

I'll start collecting cake recipes for when it's safe to meet online friends in person again!

Yolanda Renée said...

Blogging for me has been the best of the internet. It's my go-to networking site.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for co-hosting this month. I agree the writing community is very friendly. Thanks for sharing all the writer's news and updates.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for co-hosting. I have met many friends through blogging, interviewing and helping debut authors, and through my critique group and SCBWI.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Happy Valentine's Day and Thanks for co-hosting. I love this Group!

Patsy said...

@ Pat, Mary and Rachna – I'm guessing a lot of people have made friends through blogging.

@ Gwen – they (we) are!

@ Bish – Sounds like you're feeling insecure, which means you're in exactly the right place!

@ Joylene – It has.

@ Nancy – I met my critique buddies online too.

@ Jacqui – Seems to be a common experience.

@ Sadira – Now that's an excellent plan!

Patsy said...

@ Yolanda – It does seem friendlier than some other forms of social media.

@ Toi – You're welcome. I post about free entry writing competitions and other news every week.

@ Natalie – Sounds like it's added a lot to your writing life.

@ Cathrina – It's a great group. I'm happy to be part of it.

Sonia Dogra said...

I like that Feb is for Friendship...I love blogging more than social media. Anyday! Thanks for co-hosting.

S.E. White Books said...

Oh I miss in-person meetings which involve cake. Mostly I miss the cake, but even this dedicated introvert is starting to crave human interaction. Still, IWSG day is a good virtual substitution! Thanks so much for co-hosting this month.

Samantha Bryant said...

I haven't met any of my blogging friend IRL yet, but I hope to someday! Thanks for visiting my blog today! @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act

Lisa said...

Seems to me most of us out here have made lots of virtual friends, and feel all the better for it. Especially now, I think having a group like IWSG is a life saver! Thanks for co-hosting this month!

Carrie-Anne said...

Thanks for co-hosting! I've met one old blogging friend when she did a local author event, but no one else I'm aware of. A lot of my former blogging friends have long since gone inactive, or rarely ever blog anymore.

cleemckenzie said...

Meeting people through blogging and other social media is fascinating. You really don't know how their voices sound or how they really look, but you have a sense of how they think and the kind of values they have. That seems to be enough to establish a bond. The written word has so much power. Thanks for co-hosting today.

PJ Colando said...

Thanks for co-hosting!

Writers' groups are the very best source of finding one's tribe! I find that writers think differently and are more open and willing to 'go there' with you. Yeah!

Olga Godim said...

How amazing to find such a good friend online that you could co-author a book together.

Loni Townsend said...

It's great to see so many people making friends and building bonds across the internet. Thanks for co-hosting!

Rosemary Johnson said...

Congratulations on being an IWSG host. Glad you have found so many friends through blogging. Don’t want to embarrass you, but... you’ve been a wonderful virtual friend to me.

Liza said...

Congratulations on your upcoming release. Blogging is so wonderful for developing online friendships (and some in person!)Thanks so much for hosting IWSG this month!

Sandra Cox said...

Blogger buds are the best.
Thanks for co-hosting.
I followed on twitter.

Carrie Ann said...

I've made several friends, but have yet to meet one in person. Perhaps one day I will.

I've always wanted to do a collab on a book! :-)

Adrienne Reiter said...

I've made friends through different blogs I write for and other social media platforms as well. Happy IWSG <3 Thank you for cohosting!

J Lenni Dorner said...

I'm following both accounts now! Great post for this month.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Writers really are a phenomenally supportive bunch. I've gained so much from writing communities, including the blogosphere.

Linda Casper said...

I have met many people from the writing community online who have been most generous with their feedback and their encouragement.
I too Have met Ros Kind when she gave a reading from her novel at Harrogate Library (oh, how we took such activities for granted pre Covid). It was lovely to meet her in real life!

Patsy said...

@ Sonia – Each platform is a very different experience. Blogging is the friendliest.

@ S. E. White – I think we have a lot in common! I'm missing people more than I thought I would. Luckily I like baking, so I'm not missing cake, but I would be if I didn't make any.

@ Samantha – Hopefully you'll get the opportunity.

@ Lisa – Yes, we've learned to really appreciate online connections.

@ Carrie-Ann – Blogging does seem to be a short term activity for some.

@ c lee – When I've met online friends IRL I'm sometimes surprised by their voice or looks, but never their personality.

@ PJ – totally agree.

Patsy said...

@ Olga – Yep. If you'd told me that would happen even a few weeks before we agreed to do it, I wouldn't have believed you.

@ Loni – Yes, isn't it?

@ Rosemary – Aaaw, that's a lovely thing to say! I too count you as a friend I'm yet to meet.

@ Liza – It definitely is.

@ Sandra – Thanks! I've got you back.

@ Carrie Ann – I never thought I'd write with anyone else. I doubt I will with fiction, but in this case it worked really well as our experiences and skills are different, which created a more rounded writing guide.

@ Adrienne – It is a nice way to meet people.

@ J Lenni – Thanks. I've followed back!

@ Shannon – Yes, generally writers are very supportive.

@ Linda – I'm hoping we'll get to meet up. Maybe Betty's at Harlow Carr when travelling is allowed again?

Marguerite said...

Until following this blog, I had a very negative view - which has changed because you and other contributors are positive and supportive.Perhaps it is the writing community - a careful thoughtful lot - not out to constantly pick hols (or fights!). Thank you :)

Luciana Cavallaro said...

My writing friends are those who I've met online through blogging or on social media. Amazing people who are generous and supportive.

Lynn J Simpson said...

Writers do want to help other writers. You've reminded me of how much I have missed in-person writing conferences where felt comfortable around my 'people!' Connections keep us moving on our writing paths.

Diane Burton said...

I'm always amazed at the generosity of writers. Through blogging, in-person meetings (when we have them again), Zoom meetings, and writer events, I've met so many generous and supportive writers. Thanks for cohosting this month.

Damyanti Biswas said...

I have met some amazing people through my blog. The blogosphere has been such a blessing.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Patsy! Thanks for co-hosting yesterday. I hope you had fun. That's an awesome contest you shared for writers in Ireland and the UK. The IWSG community is wonderful. I've met many authors over the years by attending the Colorado Council of the International Reading Association ~ and every book signing, workshop, and presentation they gave was friendly, encouraging, and inspiring. Wishing you all the best!

Nas said...

Hi Patsy!

I have met amazing people through blogging and have made lifelong friendships. I have even visited my blogger friends in other countries!

Kalpana said...

The blogosphere is a wonderful place, full of lovely writerly friends who seem to like the same things I do - writing, reading, wine or cake, long walks etc.I was delighted to find your blog.

Melissa said...

When I started writing, I was a mom of three school-age kids, working weekends, and homeschooling. Going to in-person writing activities didn't work for me, even though I live near a big city. Blogging and online friendships were my lifeline.

Thanks for co-hosting.

Jennifer Lane said...

Cake! Yummy. Good luck with your writing, Patsy!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

It's very helpful to have writer friends!

ChrisC said...

Hi, can someone let me know who the new editor for YOU South Africa and an email address to send submission too please. Thank uou

Patsy said...

@ Marguerite – There are lots of nice people online, but I do think the writing community has a higher than average percentage of them.

@ Luciana – exactly what I've found.

@ Lynn – I miss real meetings with writers too.

@ Diane – Yep, writers are usually hugely generous with time and advice.

@ Damyanti – it's amazing, isn't it?

@ Fundy – I'm hoping one of my writing friends wins.

@ Nas – I've visited one overseas friend I met online – and she's come to stay with me. By the time we first met face to face we alrrady knew each other quite well.

@ Kalpana – You and I have a lot in common. I'm very fond of all the tings you mention.

@ Melissa – Blogging is a great way for people to meet others if, for whatever reason, going to events in person isn't easy.

@ Jennifer – I really want some cake RIGHT NOW!!!

@ Sandra – essential, I think.

@ Chris – They're called Thando. It's the same address as before – stories (at)

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

I'm not an easy person to make friends with. I tend to form superficial connections. Sadly, I greatly doubt that I'll ever meet any of the people I'd consider actual friends. My health tends to make traveling difficult.

Patsy said...

@ Ornery Owl – I'm sorry travelling is difficult for you, making it harder to meet people.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

Thanks for co-hosting last month! As an ace, I love that you titled this post February is for Friends. A lot of people diminish the importance of friend relationships.