Tuesday 17 September 2024

Tuesday top tip!

Don't forget to back your work up!

I use two drives for backing up my work. On comes on my travels with me. The other stays home, so even if there was a complete disaster I wouldn't lose everything I've ever written. 

I have a 'time machine' feature (it's a Mac thing) which means that, as long as the drive is plugged in, automatic backups will be made, and I can go back to an earlier version if necessary.

How do you make sure you don't lose your work?


dgsjp said...

I fear I'm the opposite. I've got so many different 'versions' of important stuff, and occasions where I have saved a paragraph or phrase I quite like even though I can't employ it there and then, that I overwhelm myself sometimes and can't find anything quickly!

Sheelagh said...

This is a very welcome discussion I used to use USB keys but haven't of late & tbh I haven't a clue what is saved to the cloud & what isn't

Marguerite said...

Question: how can you 'label' USB sticks? There doesn't seem anything to... to... stick to? I am a bit like dgsjp, I have umpteen versions of something and don't have the wit to even label 'this is the one with the...' 🙄. This is a very timely post, Patsy - point is, however we do it, IT NEEDS TO BE BACKED UP! (sorry to shout).

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I also have an external hard drive which I back up almost every day.

Maisie Bishop said...

Now that I'm working on a longer piece, I've become much more disciplined, and at the end of each session I save what I've written to the cloud. I try hard to label everything in a helpful way (including those little paragraphs and phrases), but I admit that I don't always get it right!

Elizabeth McGinty said...

Yes, always best to use a reliable external hard drive for back up. Another tip I learned years ago was to email manuscripts or important info to myself because you can access your email from elsewhere if your own computer crashes.