You can read part 1 here.
by Penny Alexander
part 2
ONWARDS AND UPWARDS... cutting and shaping
So. You've done the brainstorming, and the research (especially for anything historical), created a list of fascinating and fully-described characters and perhaps kept going even after several rejections. Your waste-paper basket is overflowing, but your outline has been accepted. (See here for exactly how to submit your outline, and all the other technical details you'll need.) Now comes the hard bit!
In contrast to working with spidergrams and sticky notes everywhere, now I aim for a little coherence. I divide each episode into scenes, and decide which character will take the point of view in each. Then I outline each scene in four or five complete (this is important) sentences. Since actions speak louder than words, I want these sentences to show the character doing something. Or perhaps more than one 'something.' For example, the heroine may be combing her hair, but she's also waiting for a knock at the door -
why? (Exciting delivery?) Or the hero may be discussing a project at a meeting, but with his mind still on that row he had with his wife earlier - how is he feeling? It depends on what best moves your narrative forward.
why? (Exciting delivery?) Or the hero may be discussing a project at a meeting, but with his mind still on that row he had with his wife earlier - how is he feeling? It depends on what best moves your narrative forward.
I also spend time choosing my characters' names carefully, and I like to feel I've given them the only name they could have. But be aware that if names or titles are changed on publication, there's always a reason. Perhaps there's a clash that week with two characters called by the same name, or there are two titles that sound too similar. You just have learn to love your character's new name!
KEEP COUNTING... size matters.
On the website, the length given for a first serial episode is 6000 words. This allows space for the introduction of the main characters, with 5000 words specified for subsequent episodes. But my latest serial was a sequel, re-introducing existing characters, and I was asked to keep to 5000 words for each episode.
It's your editor's job to make final cuts or additions, of course, but it's far better if you can submit a story that is as close to the agreed count as possible. Most writers would prefer to decide for themselves which words to add in or leave out before submitting their work, I think. (I certainly do!)
NOT EXACTLY ALIKE... a serial is not a short story.
A serial has to tell a story at a different pace, with different ups and downs within it. Each episode will carry narrative threads over to the next, and some of these may not be resolved until the final curtain. Added to this, each episode must somehow entice the reader onwards – the so-called 'cliffhanger' in the final paragraph. Exciting endings are a good thing, but make sure they grow naturally from within the story. I feel it's best not to overdo the dramatics every time you come to the end of an episode. Keep it real.
SLOWMAIL NOT EMAIL... don't worry, it'll get there!
These days, serial episodes printed by you are posted to Dundee. It's important, as with all submissions, to pay attention to layout (plain fonts and double spacing) grammar and spelling. A computer spellcheck can prove a false friend. If in doubt about anything at all, look it up. (Old school grammar books have their uses!) Check you have the correct postage for its weight and size, and wish it good luck as you send it away.
It takes anything from eighteen months to two years (sometimes more) to complete a serial. There will be email discussions and rewrites along the way. You have the great advantage of professional help, but you need to accept that help willingly and be prepared to work with it.
Incidentally, writing my current serial saw me through one house-move, one hospital stay, one family wedding and one horribly leaking roof. Thankfully, nothing worse! But my impression has always been that once an outline is approved, your editor's commitment to your story will be solidly in place for as long as you wish.
So, eat up those cornflakes to give you energy, and put the empty cardboard packet to good use!
Why write a serial? Because human beings – readers and writers - need stories. Because you will learn a great deal. Because you will have time to develop your characters. But most of all, because writing a serial is fun!

Pictured is a real Dove Tree, which helped inspire Penny's writing.