Saturday 29 June 2024

Still here!

We're still in Orkney, and still enjoying it very much, even today when the weather is showing us why people tie their sheds down here.

I haven't done anything in the way of womag fiction, but have been working on the next novel, and keeping up the blog of our adventures. Well, I'm posting every day, but we're doing more stuff than I include. The photos in this post are a random selection taken from there.

Thanks to everyone who is leaving comments, or supplying info, or both to help keep this blog going whilst I'm on my travels and not able to spend much time on it. That's very much appreciated and makes taking time away from our adventures to put up posts feel worthwhile.

Free entry competitions

On The Premises have a short story competition - 1,000 to 5,000 words, with an expert as one of the characters. First prize is $250.


Sheelagh said...

Thanks Patsy, sounds & looks like a fab place to be for a summer. Not doing much writing at mo but love to know what others are doing. Thanks again & enjoy your travels

ados123 said...

Thanks for keeping the blog going, Patsy. Sounds as if you are having a wonderful holiday!
I've been working on a story for the Val Wood comp you featured last week. It's getting there...

Sharon boothroyd said...

I picked the Val wood competition because the letters didn't necessarily have to be romance love letters!
I've had another reject from TPF. This one took 2 days.
It was a new story, aimed at that mag.
I even re- drafted it (after feedback from a published TPF story writer) and subbed it again but after 2 days, it was a no.
I've sent some material to literary mags found on the Christopher Fielden website. Most don't pay a fee.
The trouble is, the majority of them aren't interested in womag stories, so I expect I won't get anywhere there, either!

Marguerite said...

As above, a big thank you to keep on keeping on with the blog even while you're away, Patsy :) Also, very excited to say out of the 10 random stories from Radio Victory, one of mine (unattributed) was read out :) Sadly, I wasn't placed, but it seemed as though not all of the long shortlist were going to be on the radio, so... result! And I've found a radio station that fits :)

Sue McV said...

I had a very nice email from Linen Press to say my entry hasn't been accepted. I also had a go at Best summer competition and not heard anything. Closing date was around 4 weeks ago so I'm thinking probably no luck there. Never mind. Onwards and upwards. It's all good writing experience. Enjoy your travels Patsy and thanks for this blog. Its always good to 'chat' with other writers.

Anonymous said...

Glad you’re enjoying your holiday, Patsy. (Just don’t get blown away!)

Had a boomerang reject from TPF yesterday (five and a half hours) for a Christmas story. I have another that I plan to send out next week, which will probably suffer the same fate. Anyway, that’s my rant over. I’ll just continue scrubbing away.

Nice to hear what other writers are up to and good luck to everybody with submissions.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant to write scribbling away.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Just enjoy your travels!

Patsy said...

Thanks, everyone!

We're having a great time, but it's partly a working trip, not just a holiday. I'm not complaining about that as it means we get to explore much more than we'd otherwise have time to see - just don't want you thinking I spend ALL my time swanning about sightseeing and eating cake. ;-)

Sheelagh said...

@ Patsy Work? Yeah yeah

Patsy said...

@ Sheelagh – it's true. Would I make stuff up? Ah... OK, that's maybe not a convincing argument, but we have been working, honest!

Lindsay said...

Glad you are enjoying Orkney. One of my Facebook friends (who I met on a holiday 10 years ago) and his partner moved to Orkney about a year back. He was always brilliant at wildlife photography and his pictures from there are stunning! I love seeing them and yours too.

Anonymous said...

I add my thanks for keeping the Blog going, Patsy.
I have been making the most of the sunny weather, so I haven’t done much writing.
I had one of Andrew Shaw’s ‘on file’ acceptances, which was lovely, although none of these have ever gone any further for me.

Marian said...

HB, I had a follow-up last week from Andrew for an 'on file' acceptance from over a year ago. It was the first one I'd had a follow-up on, so fingers crossed for yours, too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Marian, for giving me hope.
After such a long time, I had given up on them!

Anonymous said...

I have been following this blog for a long time, feeling somewhat in awe of you all, and not sure I had anything interesting to contribute. I often enter competitions, but am rarely successful. I do enjoy it though.
Well, I got an email on Weds (3rd) to say I am a runner up in the Best Summer story competition! Isn't it a lovely feeling. My story is completely based on my own experience of clearing my Mum's house after she died last year, so it's very personal. The editor wrote me a lovely email, and said she was going to add in a sentence or two to make it a little bit more 'summery', which I found interesting.
Thank you Patsy for all your guidance, and to all of you for providing insight and inspiration. Ruth

Marguerite said...

Oh, Ruth, that's lovely. That must have been such a welcome surprise. Not all of us on this blog (me, for one!) are professional writers. It's just good to have several different people on here sharing their different experiences. I expect you found that quite cathartic, too. I can certainly empathize. Well done! Enjoy!

Sheelagh said...

Well done Ruth that's brilliant news. I still remember the first short story I had accepted, the thrill of the acceptance email was only surpassed by actually seeing it in print. In fairness it's always a thrill to get an acceptance. So enjoy the moment & may you have many more Ruth.

Sharon at A Quick Read said...

Wel done to all who have had positive news.

Elizabeth McGinty said...

Congratulations Ruth, it must have been a difficult story to write and you've obviously captured the emotion involved because it was real to you. I'm sure your mum would have been so proud of your achievement.

I can't wait to read it and I'm sure it will be the first of many acceptances for you and you are correct Patsy and this blog provides a supportive writing community for us all.

Enjoy your success Ruth!!

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you. You are all so very kind. What a warm and welcoming space this is. Ruth

Patsy said...

@ Ruth - congratulations!

@ Everyone else - thank you for continuing to make this a 'warm and welcoming space' even when all I'm doing is popping in now and again to annoy you with photos from our adventures.

Marian said...

Congratulations, Ruth. I'm looking forward to reading your story when it is printed.

You're right about this blog - there's always something I read on here that inspires me to keep going!