Saturday 19 October 2024

Yet more free entry writing competitions!

Blue iris today, instead of poppies. Other flower colours are available. Maybe you'll get them next week.

Free entry competitions

Thanks to Alyson for this short story competition, which has €100 in book tokens as a prize. She says 'Free to enter but look at t's and c's on right to publish... ' It looks OK to me, but that caution is always good advice.

Alyson also reminded me about the latest OTP competition. It's for flash fiction and has a $35 prize.

Thanks to Vivienne Moles for this flash fiction / short story competition with a 400BGN prize (that's Bulgarian lev, as if you didn't know!) If you can't write, don't bother with this one, as AI isn't allowed.

Free entry competition result

Earlier this year, this blog ran a competition to win a book cover design. That was won by Elizabeth McGinty who has been in touch to show me the finished result. Isn't it pretty?

Elizabeth says, "I thought you and your followers might want to how it worked out. Needless to say I am absolutely delighted with it and hope to use it on my self published my book."


Sheelagh said...

Thanks Patsy & all for the various writing competition info. I love the blue iris, beautiful.
Elizabeth, the book and its cover looks absolutely wonderful. Well done, look forward to reading it anon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What a treat to see the results of that contest!

Marguerite said...

What a lovely cover! Elizabeth must be thrilled. Looking forward to seeing the book when it comes out. Thank you for all the info, Patsy, and the flowers.

Elizabeth said...

Thank you for all the comps info Patsy and I am proof that it does pay to take part! I love my book cover designed by Hanna isn't it beautiful and I'm so pleased by all the lovely comments.

Fiona said...

What a brilliant cover Elizabeth - it looks super!
Thanks for the competition details Patsy (and those who found them). Blue flowers are always a treat. I’m not sure why, but they don’t seem to like our garden. We planted loads of cornflowers and only two appeared!

Sharon at A Quick Read said...

Just a reminder that best mag have launched a free to enter Xmas story competition.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the competition info, Patsy. Nice to read that there are opportunities out there.
@ Sharon, I picked up a copy of Best the other day. Reading the T&Cs, they appear to have dropped the all rights clause which they added for their Halloween competition. If so, I will enter with a story I was going to carry over until next year.


Patsy said...

@ Sheelagh – Blue flowers are my favourites, very closely followed by purple.

@ Alex - Yes, it's great to see the result.

@ Marguerite – I gather she was pleased!

@ Elizabeth - Yes, it does pay to have a go!

@ Fiona – Shame about the cornflowers. I find them very hit and miss. I've grown masses of lovely ones and had complete failure the next year and can't see what I did different.

@ Sharon – Thank you. I'll look out for it.

@ Michael - That's good to know.