Naughty, saucy or cheeky?
Writing for the women’s magazines is, for me, about writing about and reflecting life, and a big part of life is, of course, sex. There’s no getting away from it. So, in the interests of ‘keeping it real’ a few of my recent sales to Woman’s Weekly have been on the ‘naughty’ side. Not full-blown erotica or erotic romance – I write those under a pseudonym – but certainly on the saucier side of romantic, often with a hint of comedy. Because, let’s face it, sex in all it’s glory, can, at times, be funny. In film terms my stories don’t feature actors who have to keep their feet on the floor when the bedroom door closes, they can tumble about together in a much more realistic manner. And not always in bed. An upcoming story of mine recounts a bit of cheekiness on a forest floor, also featuring a lab coat.
With my naughtier stories I aim for a bit of escapism that, hopefully, readers can relate to, following the usual womag tropes – a strong main character (usually female with the saucy ones) who’s faced with a ‘problem’ that she resolves herself, with a sexy adventure – or two – on the way, maybe making use of unusual settings (see above – forest floor). My character may be young, may be in the prime of her life, she’s definitely never perfect, and, by the end of the story, at least, is willing to embrace her man and her wobbly bits. Nothing like a bit of living vicariously, is there?
Where do the ideas come from? Now that would be telling.
If you would like to read something longer and saucier written by Fran as Izzy French here’s an erotic romance published by Tirgearr Publishing set in one of her favourite places.
Great post, Fran!
Thanks Ginny!
Very interesting & inspiriy post, Fran.
Inspiring even!
Interesting post Fran.
Very interesting post Fran, thank you for sharing these insights. :)
I think I need to seek out your saucier WW posts to get an idea of how saucy they can be without getting Maureened.
I'll never forget my 40th & having my daughter read out one of your stories lol
Always good to hear from Fran - and to read her womag stories, too!
I've noticed a few Woman's Weekly stories that tread that fine line, usually in a married context. Have you ever been asked to rewrite to make a story saucier? or less saucy...
Fran's got a talent for every genre! Must read more of your work Fran! Lorraine
Very interesting post, Fran - must look out for those naughtier stories to see how you get the balance right!
Thanks, Fran. I suspect Clare and Gaynor are now in for a saucy new year!
Thanks Patsy and everyone
I had replied to a few comments but can't now see my replies...
Julie, that was a different story entirely!
Rosemary I have coming up in the New Year in Woman's Weekly.
Glynis, no, I haven't had a request for a saucier or less saucy re-write. I have been asked to tweak a story about Sex Education from a mum's point of view - to make it a bit more of a surprise.
If in doubt I'd go for Passion. That was a word Gaynor mentioned once on a writing course at WW.
I've checked in case your comments went into spam, Fran but there's nothing there - Blogger must have thrown a wobbly!
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