plenty of reasons to write them.
One such opportunity is in That's Life! (the UK version). They want amusing stories about your man, which could earn him the title of 'soft lad of the week'. Poor Gary has been featured a few times, but in my defence I did share the £50 fee with him. (It's £50 for the best and £25 for the rest).

You can include up to four photos, but one is generally enough. With all fillers, if photos are accepted then it's always a good idea to send one. That not only increases the chance of your piece being used, but may earn you a higher fee.
If you know of any opportunities to write fillers (even for non womag publications) and would like to write a guest post about one of them, please contact me.
I'm down in Devon this weekend - do come in and say hello if you're in the area.
Thanks, Patsy! Now to find a ridiculous photo that I haven't deleted...
Thank you for this filer info, Patsy.
No, but my woman is.
My Dad, a journalist in whose footsteps I followed, taught me to write fillers years ago. Thanks for reminding me how much fun they can be!!
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