Sunday 9 October 2016

Possible market

Alfie Dog Fiction are currently open to short story submissions. (Submission window closes on October 16th.) They publish stories in a huge range of genres and are willing to consider previously published work (assuming of course the author has retained the right to offer it). Perhaps you'll find a first home for a story which wasn't quite right for a womag, or a second home for one which was.

Please follow the submission guidelines - and be aware that not all work is automatically accepted. If it isn't considered right for Alfie Dog then it may be rejected, or a rewrite requested, even if it's been published before. Payment is on a royalty basis.

I have over 100 stories up on the site myself. For a free taster of stories by several authors (including me), click here.


Keith Havers said...

Thanks, Patsy. Not tried this before. Might give it a go.

Fay Knowles said...

Thanks for the tip, Patsy. I'll give it a try. I really enjoyed your collection of short stories "Not a Drop to Drink" - clever theme and quite thought provoking!

Helen Laycock said...

Thanks, Patsy.
Saved this link and have just submitted. Have been meaning to do so for ages, so thanks for the prompt!