Hi Patsy
I've nearly finished writing a short story that involves the main character (teenaged boy) arriving at self-knowledge through getting drunk for the first time. Trouble is I'm now wondering if mags like People's Friend and Woman's Weekly will consider a story involving alcoholic consumption.
If you or anyone else could advise me I'd be most grateful.
Patsy 2
I have seen mentions of people drinking alcohol in some of the magazines. It seems fine for an adult to have a few glasses of wine, even one too many. Not sure if it would be acceptable for a teenage to do it though. What do you think?
Why not? It happens all the time in real life.
I would imagine they are a bit reticent about that - but try them maybe?
I don't know. I would say if it's done sympathetically and the teenager learns and changes cry the experience,then why not? The only real way to find out is to write it and sub it.
Changes as a result of the experience, not cry (?!)
Drinking alcohol is part of life, as Jo says above. But...it's a tricky one, for sure, if younger ages are involved. Perhaps if not depicted in an 'immediate scene'? I don't know. But things are always evolving. Once upon a time, even mention of divorce was taboo...
I don't think anyone would mind if you asked directly. Everyone's very helpful!
For PF, any mention of alcohol used to be taboo and all of the magazines are very keen on stories promoting family values. I think it depends what he learns from the experience. Drunkenness wouldn't ever be portrayed as a positive thing.
Thanks everyone!
I agree that it's a part of life so maybe OK if appropriately handled. Hope this of help, Patsy 2.
I think Take A Break magazine may consider the theme more than the other mags. Good luck Kath
Thanks, everyone for your views.
I wasn't aware that one could ask the mag editor about content before submitting as once subbed it's a long wait - up to 16 weeks - before you're free to try elsewhere. I've had a story published in PF so I'm going to ask my contact there for their opinion.
I'll let you all know how I get on.
Hello again from Patsy 2
My contact at PF has given me permission to post the following:
“Though the ‘PF’ has certain taboos – drugs and violence for instance – we have certainly broadened our story horizons. Divorce, affairs and dealing with bereavement have all featured in the magazine of late. I always say to my writers, it’s not the subject matter you should shy away from, it’s the way a story is told. Sensitivity is the key.”
Hope everyone finds this useful.
Thanks for posting that, Patsy 2 – and thanks to your contact too!
As, in real life, alcoholism is often swept under the carpet and 'drunks' are looked down upon I think it would be difficult to offer this as a subject in a women's magazine, but I'm sure that in a magazine aimed at a younger audience there would
be a market for it.
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